Lattice Boltzmann Method (LBM) - Gas-liquid two-phase flows

Existing LB models for multiphase flows can be generally classified into four categories:

Pseudo-potential model

In the pseudo-potential model (also called Shan–Chen model), interfaces can naturally arise, deform, and migrate, thereby improving the computational efficiency. Specifically, the fluid interactions are described by an artificial inter-particle potential and the phase separation is naturally achieved by imposing a short-range attraction among different phases.

However, there are two issues associated with the original pseudo-potential model. One is that this model is applicable to low-density-ratio interfacial problems only, while the other is that in this model surface tension cannot be varied independently of the density ratio. Efforts to address these issues include Li et al., 2013, Phys. Rev. E; Li & Luo, 2013, Phys. Rev. E; Xu et al., 2015, Int. J. Heat Fluid Flow.

Droplet collision

The frequency for the nth mode of droplet oscillation is given by Miller and Scriven (1968).

Droplet Impact


Application of lattice Boltzmann method (Read more...)